[Tools Release] GoogD0rker & AttackDeploy

This post serves as a quick description of two scripts I have written and published on my Github. It's not often that I take or even have the time to write things other than blog posts and reports it seems. However last week I saw two different problems that needed sorting.

Naturally I took to bash and spun up a quick script for each, however with my track record of things they both grew arms and legs resulting in two new tools added to my Github repository :-).


GoogleD0rker is a basic tool for firing off google dorks against a target domain, each dork contains different search terms to enumerate information about the target.

I have been working on a lot of Open Source Intelligence Gathering (OSINT) things as of recent and have found google dorking to be very very useful in identifying information about targets. Naturally the need to build something to do this automatically sprung to mind, thus GoogleD0rker was born.

It is based on an idea created by Crowdshield called goohak, however at the time I was working on my Macbook and needed something to work with Mac. As a result the open command is used to spawn different windows with different search terms.


In addition to GoogleD0rker I wrote a second tool last week which covers off a completely different task. AttackDeploy was built for deploying a VPS for attacking, it is all in the name. Essentially I build a lot of VMs and VPSes a lot for various tasks, some are spun up for research others for bug bounties and so on.

I found that my basic deploy script works to an extent however felt the need to pull down all of the tools I use on a frequent basis too. Now, some of you will probably suggest docker to me and yeah that's cool maybe I'll get round to that in the future however right now deploying a quick script for Kali & Debian works just fine for me.


  • Downloads tooling for DNS, Scanning & Recon
  • Sets up SSL for Nginx web server
  • Downloads wordlists and creates directory structure

Yes, I might dockerise it in the future, however right now it's fine as is.